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Georgia Raw Dairy Act

Many of you may be glad to know that soon, you'll be able to buy RAW MILK (House Bill 1175- cited as the "Georgia Raw Dairy Act." ) if you go to a farm and purchase it as you will not be able to purchase it in the store. And no I don't mean organic, pasteurized, or homogenized just plain old-fashioned fresh raw milk. It took almost 3 hours to debate that this week.

The debate- NONE of the animals selected for NATURAL MILK sales are treated for ANY bacterial infections nor ANY types of regulations such as diets or inoculations. Just plain old 'down on the farm' grade cows. In this, you gamble with how the cows are raised and fed as well as infections. Since you, as a consumer will understand these premises and, must go to a farm to purchase this branded milk since it will NOT be available in stores or commercially,

I voted yes.

And while I am not a fan of raw milk....

A latest study that has appeared in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, credits the consumption of fresh cow milk with many health benefits.

It is a valuable source of calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B12, iodine, potassium, and high-quality protein, but health experts are of the view that most of these nutrients may be lost while being processed and packaged.

Be Informed. Check out House Bill 1175

Good Luck.


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